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Home / News / How does the surface texture or coating of washable puppy pads influence liquid absorption and retention?

How does the surface texture or coating of washable puppy pads influence liquid absorption and retention?

The surface texture or coating of washable puppy pads significantly influences liquid absorption and retention through several mechanisms:

Wicking Properties:
Textures or coatings that promote capillary action can draw liquid away from the surface of the pad and into the inner layers, enhancing absorption. This prevents pooling and keeps the surface drier.

Absorbent Capacity:
Certain textures or coatings may increase the surface area available for absorption, allowing the pad to hold more liquid before reaching saturation. This feature is crucial for maintaining dryness and preventing leaks.

Retention and Distribution:
Coatings or textures that create a hydrophilic (water-attracting) surface help distribute liquid evenly across the pad. This prevents localized saturation and improves overall absorbency.

Surface Tension Reduction:
Some coatings are designed to reduce surface tension, allowing liquid to spread out and absorb quickly into the fabric fibers. This reduces the likelihood of liquid pooling on the pad's surface.

Durability and Washability:
Textures or coatings that enhance durability and withstand repeated washing cycles without compromising absorbency ensure long-term effectiveness of the puppy pad.

By understanding how surface texture or coating influences these factors, manufacturers can optimize washable puppy pads to provide effective liquid absorption, minimize odors, and maintain cleanliness over extended use.

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